Looking for inspiration?


Discover the history of passionate producers and artisans, suggestions for gourmet addresses, ideas for unique activities to experience throughout Quebec and more on the blog! (FRENCH ONLY)

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12 restaurants du terroir à essayer au Québec
Looking for a warm and welcoming place to indulge this winter (and early spring)? Here are twelve Quebec addresses that combine conviviality and gourmet plea...

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Agenda gourmand du printemps
Spring in Quebec is the awakening of senses and a time for discovering delicious local fare without holding back. Whether it’s celebrating maple at sweet fes...

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L'identité culinaire du Québec
Experience guide
From cranberries to poutine, Quebec’s culinary identity has been written in many chapters. And that’s what makes our cuisine unique in the world,...

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7 activités gourmandes et agrotouristiques à faire en famille pendant la relâche
Spring break is the perfect time to get together with family or friends and explore the best of local flavors. Treat yourself to these 7 family-friendly acti...

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Chocolateries, pâtisseries, confiseries : la gourmandise à la Québécoise.
Closer look on product
What do our chocolate, pastry and confectionery shops have in common? Throughout the province, the craftspeople who make them are proud to use local ingredie...

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Cabane à sucre Constantin
In Quebec, the arrival of spring is synonymous with sugaring-off time, that magical moment when the sap flows and the maple trees are transformed into a gour...

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L'histoire du tourisme gourmand au Québec
Experience guide
Immerse yourself in the captivating evolution of Quebec agrotourism, from the modest beginnings of farm B&Bs in the 70s to the diversification of the off...

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Marché de Noël guide expérience (2)
Experience guide
The History of Christmas Markets: From Germany to Québec! The holiday season is a time for warm gatherings. 🎄🌟 It’s precisely in this spirit t...

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Vin de glace
Closer look on product
Ice wine: history, production, and how to taste it Say hello to the king of the Quebec table: Ice Wine! This sweet little gem is produced thanks to wi...

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