
Quebec’s Food and Agritourism Trails

Crédit : La Grange Pardue

Food and agritourism trails are a fantastic way to discover a place’s culinary heritage and explore the region itself. They are very well suited to day trippers and tourists and are also a great excuse to extend your stay. Of course, it goes without mentioning, how incredibly well they promote local products and participating businesses. As of 2023, there are over 50 food and agritourism trails across the province of Quebec.

Many stand out beyond the local products they promote, particularly those which incorporate active transportation. Some initiatives of note:



Crédit : Microbrasserie La Voie Lactée


    • La Route des bières de l’Est ( Lower-Saint-Lawrence and Gaspésie)  Website


    • Brasseurs des Cantons Microbreweries (Eastern Townships)  Website


    • Cheesemakers Circuit Les Têtes Fromagères (Eastern Townships)   WebsiteWebsite


    • Brome Missisquoi Route de Vins (Eastern Townships)   Website


    • Véloroute Gourmande (Eastern Townships and Montérégie)  Website


    • La balade gourmande (Centre-du-Québec, pop-up event)  Webite


    • Charlevoix Flavour Trail (Charlevoix) Quebec’s oldest culinary Trail  Website


    • Food Trail (Îles-de-la-Madeleine)  Website


    • Le circuit de l’Abécédaire / Bouilli d’histoires salées (Îles-de-la-Madeleine)  Website


    • Goûtez Lanaudière Agritourism Trails (Lanaudière, 6 trails)  Website / Website


    • Le Chemin du terroir (Laurentides, signposted tourist trail)  Website

    • La Route des Brasseurs (Mauricie)  Website / Website


    • Le circuit du Paysan (Montérégie, signposted tourist trail) Website


    • Les circuits Croquez L’Outaouais (Outaouais)  Website


    • La Route des Bières du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean ( Saguenay -Lac-St-Jean) Website


    • And many, many more !



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