Making Quebec a thriving culinary destination for the future.

 • 3 months ago

With pride and enthusiasm, Terroir et Saveurs du QuébecMD and the Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE® unveiled yesterday the new Gourmet Tourism Strategy for Quebec 2024-2029. Co-chaired by the two recognized sectoral tourism associations, this announcement took place during the 2024 Montérégie Tourism Forum.

This strategic document is the result of close collaboration among sector stakeholders, following an extensive consultation process involving 34 meetings, 86 organizations, and 155 individuals. It was made possible with the essential support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, as well as the Ministry of Tourism. This reflects a collective commitment to continuing efforts and further promoting gourmet tourism in Quebec.

Building on the successes of the first Provincial Action Plan 2021-2024, which fostered extensive collaboration, this new initiative positions itself as a key strategic tool to strengthen the role of gourmet tourism within Quebec’s tourism industry.

A vision grounded in a collective and ambitious approach

Attracting both local and international visitors, gourmet tourism remains a powerful driver of economic and cultural growth, offering promising prospects for the years to come. “Together, we aim to make Quebec a must-visit gourmet destination with a vision for the future. We invite you to join this collective movement and actively contribute to this provincial gourmet tourism strategy,” emphasized Odette Chaput, Executive Director of Terroir et Saveurs du Québec, and Carl-Éric Guertin, Executive Director of the Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE®, co-chairs of the Strategy.

“Agrotourism and gourmet tourism are extraordinary tools to showcase the expertise of Quebec’s producers. In addition to supporting the local economy, they offer consumers from here and abroad a distinctive experience that highlights our regions and passionate entrepreneurs. I commend the collaborative efforts of all partners in developing this new strategy, which will guide future actions!” added André Lamontagne, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, and Minister responsible for the Centre-du-Québec region.

Structured around six fundamental pillars, the strategy is guided by a dedicated Steering Committee ensuring its organization and smooth implementation. Under each pillar, six working groups—composed of provincial, regional, and local partners—will collaborate to implement actions and foster synergy among stakeholders, all for the benefit of businesses.

These working groups, called pillar groups, are each led by a member of the Steering Committee:

  • Pillar 1: Organization of a Coordinated and Efficient Sector (Odette Chaput, Terroir et Saveurs du Québec)
  • Pillar 2: Strong and Distinct Regional Sectors (Denis Brochu, Tourisme Lanaudière)
  • Pillar 3: Attractive Positioning Strategy for a Gourmet Quebec (Odette Chaput, Terroir et Saveurs du Québec, and Carl-Éric Guertin, Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE®)
  • Pillar 4: Structured, Diverse, and Quality Experiences (Mario Leblanc, Tourisme Montérégie)
  • Pillar 5: Multidisciplinary Support for Businesses (Marie-Christine Beaulé, Regroupement des Tables de concertation bioalimentaires du Québec)
  • Pillar 6: Responsible and Sustainable Gourmet Tourism (Carl-Éric Guertin, Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE®)

Composition of the Steering Committee:

  • Odette Chaput – Terroir et Saveurs du Québec, co-chair
  • Carl-Éric Guertin – Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE®, co-chair
  • Mario Leblanc – Tourisme Montérégie
  • Denis Brochu – Tourisme Lanaudière
  • Isabelle Charlebois – Tourisme Cantons-de-l’Est
  • Sarah-Justine Villeneuve – Tourisme Montréal
  • Marie-Christine Beaulé – Regroupement des tables de concertation bioalimentaires du Québec
  • Nancy Ouellet – Table de concertation bioalimentaire du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
  • Annie Tessier – Union des Producteurs Agricoles
  • Nathalie Gaudet – Alliance de l’industrie touristique
  • Jean-Nick Trudel – Association des marchés publics du Québec
  • Debbie Zakaïb – La Table Ronde des Chefs
  • Charles Lacasse – Ministère du Tourisme
  • Geneviève Maher – Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation
  • Jean-Marc Lecouturier – LJM Conseil
  • Aurore Lambert – Terroir et Saveurs du Québec et Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE®

The steering bodies established as part of the strategic approach will begin in January 2025, with various meetings scheduled with the relevant partners to present the Strategy and its identified actions.
The new Gourmet Tourism Strategy for Quebec 2024-2029 was developed with the valuable collaboration of LJM Conseil. You can consult the full document here or its executive summary here. (French version only)

About Terroir et Saveurs du Québec
The association’s mission is to represent, develop, and promote the gourmet tourism sector, as well as to provide leadership and coordination in implementing the Provincial Action Plan for the future of gourmet tourism in Quebec. Additionally, it supports businesses in their professionalization and in developing the quality of their offerings and gourmet experiences.

About the Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE®
The Société du réseau ÉCONOMUSÉE® (SRÉ) is a non-profit international organization founded in 1992 and based in Quebec City. It owns and promotes the ÉCONOMUSÉE® concept, as well as five other concepts under its Artisan at Work brand. The SRÉ works with a network of partners to preserve and showcase the rich diversity of traditional cultural practices in our regions and to develop projects related to heritage. The SRÉ supports the sustainability of artisan-entrepreneurs or organizations with unique skills by providing entrepreneurial support and implementing concepts that increase their appeal and generate revenue. It is committed to dynamically occupying territories and developing regions sustainably. Lastly, through its mission and the nature of its member enterprises, the SRÉ is proud to contribute to responsible and sustainable tourism.

Source et informations:

Aurore Lambert Development Agent for the Gourmet Tourism Strategy in Quebec 2024-2029


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